which is a typedef for a 16 bit unsigned integer (UInt16
Generally, the high byte is an error class (as listed in
ErrorBase.h), which shows the OS manager that generated the error,
while the low byte is a sequence number which distinguishes different error
codes within a class.
Each error code returned by the operating system has a symbolic name defined in one or another of the SDK header files. For example, the error name corresponding to the code 0x0219 can be found by hand as follows:
error, i.e., a Data Manager-related error.
dmErrorClass | 25
" (25 being equal to 0x19) in
DataMgr.h, and find that this is a dmErrAlreadyExists
This is a tedious process! A much simpler alternative is to type "219" into the text field below.
Even better would be a function similar to C's strerror()
could be called from your own Palm OS applications to convert error codes to
human-readable text to be displayed. In fact, there is such a function:
has been available since Palm OS 2.0.
Unfortunately, it's not particularly useful for developers:
The "Override SysErrStrings" preference causes ErrorCodes to override
the system's error string tables with its own data. Use this to have calls to
in all applications return (most of) the
information displayed by ErrorCodes.
(Specifically, turning this on creates a new database containing the relevant resources and leaves it open. ErrorCodes will reopen this database at reset time if necessary. It is only opened in the UIAppShell task -- in the unlikely event that you want to use this from a background task, you will need to open the database there yourself. Its name is "ErrorCodes SysErrString data" and it is the only database with type SESd and creator ErrC.)